Biden's Big Woke Budget Request
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$8.7 billion for the CDC
An increase of $1.7 billion over FY 2021 budget
$1.6 billion for Community Mental Health Services Block Grants
Double the amount from FY 2021 ($825,000,000)
$1 billion to end gender-based violence
Doubling funds for the 1994 Violence Against Women Act programs to fund new programs for "restorative justice efforts, protect transgender survivors" and increase funding to women at HCBU's, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Tribal Colleges
$2.1 billion for gun control, $1.6 billion for the ATF
Includes $401 million to "incentivize" states into passing strict gun laws and executing buy-back pilot programs
$20 billion increase in Title I grants for schools
The Teacher Union payouts will not end
$30.4 billion for Housing Choice Vouchers for 200,000 families
Which works out to $152,000 per family
$1.2 billion increase in IRS funding
$14 billion increase across nearly EVERY AGENCY for climate change
"ensuring that 40 percent of the benefits from tackling the climate crisis are targeted toward addressing the disproportionately high cumulative impacts on disadvantaged communities"
$1.7 billion to retrofit housing, schools, and federal buildings with green energy
$600 million for electric vehicles for federal agencies
$2 billion for shovel-ready green energy jobs
$540 million increase for climate disaster planning
Additional $1.2 billion for "increasing the resilience of ecosystems and communities"
Additional $100 million for the CDC's "Cimate Health Program"
$1.4 billion for "Environmental Justice"
Plans include:
- an Environmental and Climate Justice Division within the DOJ to prosecute corporations
- revoking state level environmental agencies' authority to issue permits
- $100 million to develop a community air monitoring program to fine "polluters"
$3.6 billion for water infrastructure
Might be able to replace your septic system on the taxpayer dime
$300 million for rural renewable grants and a "Civilian Climate Corps"
Additional $6.5 billion in rural renewable project loans
$4 billion for Climate and Sustainability research
$10 billion (35% increase) for clean energy research and development
$6.9 billion for NOAA climate change initiatives
$1.4 billion increase over FY 2021 funding
$1.2 billion for the global Green Climate Fund
The Trump admin halted payments to this fund.
Additional $485 million for other international climate programs, and $691 million for Department of State clean energy initiatives in developing countries
$100 million for programs to increase non-white STEM students
$32 million increase in funding for non-white businesses
"Transportation equity"
Mayor Pete's passion project
Community policing and reduction of "systemic inequities in our justice system"
$500 million increase for HOME Investment Partnership Act to $1.9 billion
This program allows local officials to recommend contractors to be awarded with construction and renovation contracts for rental properties, and grant them exemptions from regulatory requirements. A Prince Geroge County official pled guilty to recieving between $400,000 and $1,000,000 in bribes from developers in 2012.
Budget increases for all agency civil rights offices
$85 million in grants to "prevent and redress housing discrimination"
$153 million for CDC's "Social Determinants of Health" program on racial health equity
$200 million for "race-based disparities in Maternal Mortality"
Includes programs for "implicit bias training" for healthcare providers
$2.2 billion increase in funds for "promoting health equity for American Indians and Alaska Natives"
$450 million increase in funds to "help tribal nations address the Climate Crisis"
$2.5 billion for international climate programs, $1 billion for global health security programs
$10 billion for foreign refugees, $861 million in aid to Central Americans
Additional 125,000 refugee admissions to the Unites States in 2022
$2.8 billion increase in USDA budget
$65 million increase in Broadband access funding
$100 million increase in water infrastructure grants/loans
$476 million increase in haxardous fuels/forest resilience projects
$161 million increase in funds for carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas reduction
$40 million for USDA "climate hubs"
$400 million in new funding for rural power providers to adopt renewables
$1 billion increase in rural electric loans targeted toward renewables
A USDA "Equity Commission" to address the racism of farm programs
$2.5 billion increase in Department of Commerce budget
$Additional 22 million increase in funds to assist non-white businesses
$500 million increase in funds for "climate forecasting tools"
$100 million in grants to build "more diverse student bodies"
$144 increase in funds to advance "equity in educational opportunity and delivery"
Department of Education Office of Civil Rights will investigate discrimination from Pre-K to higher education institutions
$1.9 billion for DOE green energy projects
$8 billion for DOE green energy research and development
$1 billion for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Climate
$400 million increase in DOE Office of Science green energy funding
Climate research centers for minority-serving colleges and universities
$100 million to "address racial inequity in the child welfare system"
$110 million to research "disparate health impacts of climate change"
$340 million for Title X funding, the Planned Parenthood slush fund
$84 million to investigate DHS workforce reports of white supremacist ideology and other complaints
$599 million for DHS climate resilience programs
$20 million to expand access to national parks that "tell the story of historically underrepresented and marginalized groups"
Additional funding for a "voting rights center that honors the legacy of Civil Rights Leaders"
$39 million to make federal prisons more "environmentally sustainable"
$100 million for green energy training
$625 million for passenger rail grants
Additional $375 million for "Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement"
Additional $2.7 billion for Amtrak expansion