Coronavirus Relief Fund Highlights: Alabama
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The Coronavirus Relief Fund was a $150 billion state and local government bailout fund authorized by the CARES Act under President Trump. The state of Alabama recieved $1.96 billion from the relief program, and here are some of the ways the state allocated the funds:
$122 million for Improving Telework Capabilities of Public Employees
Roughly 150 grant recipients. Top recipients of relief funds for Improving Telework Capabilities of Public Employees:
1) Auburn University - $10,432,058
2) Charter Communications - $8,117,319
3) Intermark Group, Inc - $7,295,620
4) ConvergeOne, Inc - $6,947,686
5) Adani Systems, Inc - $5,201,127
$159 million to "Facilitate Distance Learning"
Grants to roughly 170 recipients were used for training, broadband voucher programs, equipment, and services to expand distance learning.
Top Recipients for this category:
1) Alabama Community College System - $31,480,025
2) Jefferson County Board of Education - $9,286,229
3) Charter Communications - $5,523,070
4) Mobile County Board of School Commissioners - $5,237,857
5) AT&T Mobility - $3,946,817
$84 million for Administrative Expenses
Grants to roughly 170 recipients.
Top Recipients:
1) Samford University - $6,709,854
2) University of Alabama (Birmingham) - $5,012,270
3) Information Transport Solutions - $4,743,660
4) Montgomery County Sheriff's Office - $4,099,200
5) CSRA State and Local Solutions, LLC - $2,675,510
$22.5 million for Personal Protective Equipment
Roughly 60 recipients for this category.
Top Recipients:
1) Homtex, Inc - $8,795,460
2) Alabama Hospital Association - $4,773,135
3) W.L. Petrey Wholesale Company, Inc - $1,216,760
4) Cintas Corporation - $1,072,470
5) Boostr, LLC - $927,951
$130 million for "Public Health Expenses"
Some notable entries include:
$199,116 for Balch and Bingham law firm, a multi-state corporate law firm with over 200 attorneys
$393,888 for Stivers Ford Dealership
$245,487 for RR Partners, LLC, a business consulting firm in Florida
$110 million for COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing
Top Recipients:
1) University of Alabama at Birmingham - $39,722,760
2) Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama - $38,975,597
3) ANHA - Education Foundation - $18,270,000
4) Local Government Health Insurance Board - $7,837,413
5) OptumRx, Inc - $1,725,584
$160 million for Payroll for Public Health and Safety Employees
Top Recipients:
1) County of Madison - $9,431,154
2) City of Huntsville - $ 9,319,283
3) City of Birmingham - $9,029,329
4) Alabama Hospital Association - $7,497,785
5) Montgomery, City of - $7,292,901
$7 million for Small Business Assistance/Economic support
$158,995 for REV Birmingham, a progressive urban development non-profit with representatives from numerous big banks and Balch and Bingham law firm on their board
$6.4 million for Food Programs
$974,000 for Witt O'Brien's Consulting services on external grant management
$91,989 for Swagit Productions LLC
Funds were for streaming services for Jefferson County AL Public information meetings, press conferences, and public review
$2.6 million for rental and utility assistance programs
$120 million for "Medical Expenses"
Medical Expenses grants include PPE purchases and other expenses including:
- $3,442,500 for Mark Boswell
- $3,394,220 for CJH Inc, a "motion picture industry" company with five employees
- $2,855,093 for Alabama Interactive LLC, a foreign software LLC
- $2,262,614 for Sleep Management, LLC
- $1,895,733 for Conservation and Natural Resources
- $1,513,800 for Atlantic Diving Supply, Inc
- $1,110,000 for Integrated Graphics LLC