Excerpts from the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act
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The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act passed the House of Representatives (384-37) on June 8, 2022 . The House voting record can be viewed here. The bill passed the Senate (83-11) with six Senators not voting on December 15, 2022. The Senate voting record can be viewed here. The bill was signed into law by President Biden on December 23, 2022.
All non-combat vehicles procured by the Department of Defense must be electric, biofuel, or hydrogen powered from 2035 onward
Mandatory military programs to promote "energy-aware behaviors" and "reduction of unnecessary fuel consumption"
Establishment of a Department of Defense Working Group to prioritize reducing greenhouse gas emissions in DOD energy supply
Pilot program for electric vehicle charging stations on military installations
Mandatory battery recycling policies for the Department of Defense
Rescission of the COVID 19 vaccine mandate
Posthumous promotion of Ulysses S. Grant to the rank of General of the Armies of the United States
Pilot program to promote the safe storage of firearms for military personnel
Pilot program for car sharing on military installations
A writing award program for members of the Defense Acquisition workforce
Increase in the authorized number of Assistant and Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense to 19 and 60, respectively
Alteration of the stated peacetime function of the Navy from "effective prosecution of war" to "peacetime promotion of the national security interests and prosperity of the United States"
Withholding of certain information about sunken military crafts
Study on military training near wind farms
$800 million in Department of Defense assistance to Ukraine
$50 million to support the NATO Special Operations Headquarters
Report on social media use by foreign terrorist organizations
$1 billion to acquire materials for the National Defense Stockpile
Assessment and optimization of Department of Defense Information and Influence operations conducted through cyberspace
$1 billion increase to the Special Defense Acquisition Fund
Required consideration of solar panel installation on new military construction projects
Mandated electric vehicle charging stations at all Department of Defense parking areas
$20 million for the construction and endowment of the Numu Newe Cultural Center
Mandatory recruiting policy targeting women and non-white mariners at the Merchant Marine Academy
Mandatory training on low emissions vessels at the Merchant Marine Academy
$10 billion in military financing for Taiwan and $2.5 billion for the Regional Contingency Stockpile
Study on an infectious disease monitoring center in Taiwan
The United States-Ecuador Partnership Act of 2022
The Act directs federal agencies to "facilitate economic and commercial ties" with Ecuador, "promote inclusive economic development", "strengthen democratic governance", "foster conservation and stewardship", "combat illicit economies", and transfer excess coast guard vessels to Ecuadorian forces.
The FENTANYL Results Act
Short for "‘‘Fighting Emerging Narcotics Through Additional Nations to Yield Lasting Results Act’’, the law directs the Department of State to prioritize combatting the international trafficking of certain synthetic drugs. Measures include aid to foreign law enforcement agencies, exchange with foreign countries on methods to reduce demand, and other international programs.
The ‘Global Health Security and International Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Act of 2022
The law directs foreign assistance funds to be used for pandemic-related purposes such as "strenghtening vaccine readiness" and "reducing vaccine hesitancy". The law also directs these funds to be used for "increasing bidirectional testing, including screening for symptomatic and asymptomatic cases" and "building laboratory capacity".
The law empowers the President to "develop, update, maintain, and advance a comprehensive strategy for improving United States global health security and diplomacy for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response". The President is also directed to "designate an appropriate senior official to be the United States Coordinator for Global Health Security, who shall be responsible for the coordination of the Global Health Security Agenda Interagency Review Council".
The law authorizes $5 billion for international pandemic-related activities, including establishing the position of "Ambassador-At-Large for Global Health Security and Diplomacy" to oversee these activities and governance of the "Financial Intermediary Fund for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response", an internationally governed monetary fund.
The BURMA Act of 2022
Short for the ‘Burma Unified through Rigorous Military Accountability Act of 2022’’, the law gives the President the authority to impose sanctions on people or entities supporting the Burmese military. The law also directs funding to programs and entities opposing the Burmese military.
$40 million for promoting freedom of information in North Korea
$100 million for Reauthorization of the Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Act of 1998
$25.5 billion for the Global Food Security Authorization Act of 2022
The Act specifically directs the Comprehensive Global Food Security Strategy to use the work of Feed The Future Innovation Labs, which are heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
$378 million for the DHS Nonprofit Security Grant program
The Strategic EV Management Act of 2022
The law directs the Administrator of General Services to coordinate with federal agencies to develop a comprehensive plan for electric fleet vehicle battery management.
The Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act of 2022
The law is intended to adress incidents such as "severe global pandemics, nuclear war, asteroid and comet impacts, supervolcanoes, sudden and severe changes to the climate, and intentional or accidental threats arising from the use and development of emerging technologies." A test exercise will be carried out within a year after the "enhanced catastrophic incident annex" has been established.
$10 million for a report on "solar energy opportunities" on federally-controlled projects
Intensified diversity and inclusion efforts for the State Department
Authorization of music-related exchange programs for "promoting peace, education, and cultural exchange through music diplomacy"
$124 million for "promoting global internet freedom" through USAID and USAGM
$225 million for the Reauthorization of Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000
The law empowers the Secretary of the Interior to "conserve, research, monitor, assess, and restore coral reefs and coral reef ecosystems" in waters managed under the jurisdiction of Federal agencies, as well as "enhancing compliance with federal laws" aimed at "reducing land-based stressors to coral reef systems".
It also directs the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to develop a "national coral reef resilience strategy, and establishes a United States Coral Reef Task Force.