Refugee Revenue: Church World Service's $520 million in grants
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The federal government has outsourced the processing and care of refugees admitted to the United States to a myriad of tax-exempt non-profits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These organizations are often religiously affiliated.
In addition to providing aid to refugees already admitted to the US, these organizations also operate in foreign countries to facilitate the processing and transportation of refugees abroad.
As a tax-exempt organization, Church World Services is required to disclose its financials to the public. According to its 2022 Form 990, the President of CWS receives compensation of $381,569 per year. The organization reported holding $16.6 million in investments, including $4.6 million in stocks, generating nearly $1 million in annual investment revenue. Over 75% of the organization’s revenue is derived from government grants.
In 2020, Church World Services reported $68.3 million in revenue. In 2021, the organization’s reported revenue jumped to $152.1 million.
Church World Service has been awarded over $520 million for these purposes since 2021. The organization provides refugee processing and aid services in Latin and South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, and even Japan.
In the United States, Church World Service provides housing, food, employment services, legal aid, and cash-based assistance to admitted refugees. Since 2021, federal grant awards to the organization include:
- $175.8 million for refugee processing
- $108 million for the “Preferred Communities Program” (refugee aid program established in the 1990’s by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, includes one year of comprehensive assistance)
- $78 million for “reception and placement” of refugees admitted to the US
- $50 million for general post-resettlement refugee assistance
- $20 million for programs to “counter extremism”
- $3 million for general refugee housing assistance
- $1 million for refugee employment services
- $1 million for consulting services for refugee resettlement
Church World Service’s financial disclosures outline include dozens of grants each year to smaller churches, advocacy groups, community organizers, and local refugee aid organizations.
USASpending lists the following grants to Church World Services since 2021:
Administration for Children and Families grant (2021)
Amount: $108,066,904
Purpose: CWS preferred communities program 2021
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $93,061,335
Purpose: Provide regional refugee processing service for all U.S. refugee admissions
Country: Kenya
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Administration for Children and Families grant (2021)
Amount: $50,258,185
Purpose: Home study and post release services for unaccompanied alien children
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Department of State grant (2022)
Amount: $49,744,113
Purpose: Provide regional refugee processing service for all U.S. refugee admissions
Country: Kenya
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $31,261,604
Purpose: To ensure that all refugees approved for admission to the United States are provided with reception and placement services
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Department of State grant (2022)
Amount: $27,455,840
Purpose: Amend award to extend period of performance to Sep 30, 2022, reflect revised budget and consolidated placement plan as well as technical assistance projects and support at US sites.
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Department of State grant (2021)
Amount: $24,850,416
Purpose: To fund CWS for 2021 operations for RSC Africa
Country: Kenya
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Administration for Children and Families grant (2022)
Amount: $19,302,000
Purpose: 2022 voluntary agencies matching grant program
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Administration for Children and Families grant (2023)
Amount: $18,079,600
Purpose: 2023 voluntary agencies matching grant program
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Department of State grant (2022)
Amount: $15,922,004
Purpose: To ensure that all refugees approved for admission to the United States are provided with reception and placement services appropriate to their personal circumstances
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $15,057,849
Purpose: To ensure that all refugees admitted to the US receive reception and placement
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Federal Emergency Management Agency grant (2023)
Amount: $15,000,000
Purpose: Financial assistance for countering violent extremism
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Department of State grant (2021)
Amount: $11,570,570
Purpose: To provide reception and placement services to eligible recipients under the U.S. refugee admission program (USRAP)
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Department of State grant (2024)
Amount: $8,177,340
Purpose: Provide regional refugee processing service for all US refugee admissions
Country: Kenya
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Administration for Children and Families grant (2024)
Amount: $5,605,600
Purpose: 2024 voluntary agencies matching grant
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Federal Emergency Management Agency grant (2022)
Amount: $5,000,000
Purpose: Financial assistance for countering violent extremism
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Administration for Children and Families grant (2021)
Amount: $3,547,402
Purpose: 2021 voluntary agencies matching grant program
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $3,528,475
Purpose: To ensure that all refugees admitted to the US receive reception and placement
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Administration for Children and Families grant (2023)
Amount: $1,984,144
Purpose: Enhancing refugee housing solutions
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $1,930,308
Purpose: To address the immediate and long-term needs of vulnerable displaced people in Egypt through protection, gender based violence (GBV), mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), health, education, and community outreach and capacity building.
Country: Egypt
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Department of State grant (2021)
Amount: $1,699,264
Purpose: To address the immediate and long-term needs of vulnerable displaced people in Egypt through protection, child protection, GBV, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), health, education, and community outreach and capacity building
Country: Egypt
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Administration for Children and Families grant (2023)
Amount: $1,499,305
Purpose: Services to Afghan survivors impacted by combat, CWS
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Department of State grant (2022)
Amount: $1,249,999
Purpose: To address the immediate and long-term needs of vulnerable displaced people in Egypt through protection, gender based violence (GBV), mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), health, education, and community outreach and capacity building.
Country: Egypt
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $1,087,379
Purpose: RWC aims to provide accessible resources, trainings, and technical assistance that resettlement agencies can utilize to build and sustain effective community engagement and co sponsorship initiatives
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $1,000,000
Purpose: RHS is a project designed to address the challenges of finding affordable housing solutions for refugees resettling in the United States
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Administration for Children and Families grant (2022)
Amount: $750,000
Purpose: CWS refugee career pathways program in Greensboro, NC
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $663,000
Purpose: To ensure all Afghan refugees and sivs coming through the OAW/EW pipeline receive reception and placement services.
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Department of State grant (2021)
Amount: $549,452
Purpose: Self-reliance and community integration (SRCI) for refugees, asylum-seekers and other vulnerable populations groups of Kwazulu Natal and Gauteng provinces in South Africa
Country: South Africa
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Department of State grant (2022)
Amount: $549,411
Purpose: Self-reliance and community integration (SRCI) for refugees, asylum-seekers, and other vulnerable populations groups of Kwazulu Natal and Gauteng provinces in South Africa
Country: South Africa
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $511,000
Purpose: Self-reliance and community integration for refugees, asylum-seekers and other vulnerable populations groups of Kwazulu Natal and Gauteng , South Africa
Country: South Africa
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Department of State grant (2021)
Amount: $499,285
Purpose: Expand and strengthen protection and care for unaccompanied and separated (refugee/asylum-seeking) children (UASC) in Jakarta with quality alternatives to detention in line with individual profiles.
Country: Indonesia
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $497,110
Purpose: Assisted pathway to adulthood through provision of comprehensive protection and care for UASC and strengthening resiliency for single young adults
Country: Indonesia
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Department of State grant (2022)
Amount: $495,597
Purpose: Assisted pathway to adulthood through provision of comprehensive protection and care for UASC and strengthening resiliency for single young adults.
Country: Indonesia
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Office Of Justice Programs grant (2023)
Amount: $439,995
Purpose: The church world services (CWS) north California (Norcal) provides comprehensive services to young adult survivors of human trafficking from vulnerable refugee and unaccompanied minor populations. Services are accessible throughout northern California including Napa, Marin, Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano, Sacramento, El Dorado, Amador, Sutter, Nevada, Yuba, Yolo, Lake, Mendocino, Glenn, Butte, Plumas, Tehama, Lassen, Shasta, Trinity, Humboldt, Modoc, Siskiyou, and Del Norte. In partnership with OVC technical assistance, CWS Norcal will improve its capacities for labor trafficking identification and comprehensive service provision. Additionally, through a collaborative effort, CWS and survivors will develop service delivery goals within the sectors of shelter, mental health and medical care, government services, transportation, safety planning, and other primary supports. CWS will leverage its existing immigration legal staff to provide know your rights orientations and immigration legal assistance to participants. CWS Norcal community partners include Eden United Church Of Christ, assisting with emergency housing and basic needs, Jenna Mckaye foundation, a survivor-led organization supporting clients with talk therapy, horse therapy and consultations, and First Church Berkley, providing mental health support and addressing issues of gender inclusion.
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $369,267
Purpose: The refugee welcome collective strengthens and expands refugee resettlement capacity by having more refugees and community members participate in and benefit from cosponsorship programs.
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Administration for Children and Families grant (2023)
Amount: $343,866
Purpose: CWS Jersey City employer engagement program
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Department of State grant (2023)
Amount: $332,500
Purpose: RHS is a project designed to address the challenges of finding affordable housing solutions for refugees resettling in the United States.
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