The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, Part 1
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$273 billion for the Federal-Aid Highway Program
For the surface transportation block grant program, the highway safety program, the congestion mitigation program, air quality program, national highway freight program, and carbon reduction program
$1.25 billion for the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program
$3 billion for the Tribal Transportation Program
$2.2 billion for the Federal Lands Transportation Program
$1.4 billion for the National Park Service
$180 million for the US Fish and Wildlife Service
$130 million for the Forestry Service
$1.5 billion for the Federal Lands Access Program
$1.14 billion for the Territorial and Puerto Rico Highway Program
Hopefully some of it helps AOC's abuela.
$2.7 billion for the Bridge Investment Program
$250 million for the Congestion Relief Program
Part of the climate change appropriations. Will aim to reduce road use through fees on parking, road use, and congestion
$2.5 billion for Charging and Fueling Infrastructure grants
$2 billion for the Rural Surface Transportation Program
$1.4 billion in PROTECT grants
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient and Cost-saving Transportation, a new climate change initiative
$250 million for reducing truck emissions at port facilities
$275 million for Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects
Additional $3.3 billion for the Bridge Investment Program
Additional $1.5 billion for Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program
$500 million for the Healthy Streets Program
Created to "provide funding to deploy cool and porous pavements and expand tree cover to mitigate urban heat islands, improve air quality, and reduce flood risks"
Must conduct equity assessments for tree canopy gaps in marginalized communities
$500 million for Transportation Resilience and Adaptation Centers of Excellence
$75 million for the Open Challenge and Research Proposal Pilot Program
Provides grants for "proposals to research needs or challenges identified or determined as important by the Secretary". A slush fund for Mayor Pete.
$735 million for the Highway Research and Development Program
$550 million for the Technology and Innovation Deployment Program
$127.5 million for Training and Education
$550 million for the Intelligent Transportation Systems Program
A federal program that "enhances American productivity through the integration of advanced communications technologies into the transportation infrastructure and in vehicles
$405 million for the University Transportation Systems Program
Grants to colleges and universities for transportation research and development
$132.5 million for the Bureau of Transportation Statistics
The BTS director is by law Mayor Pete's senior advisor
$350 million for the Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program
$50 million for the Prioritization Process Pilot Program
Could have just taken a Lean Six Sigma course?
$500 million for the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program
New pilot program to study the feasibility and impacts of removing an existing transportation facility that “creates a barrier to community activity”
$150 million for Planning Grants
$350 million for Capital Construction Grants
Annual listing of "socially disadvantaged businesses enterprises"
With federal in-person inspections to verify the business owners are "socially disadvantaged"
$100 million for the Tribal Transportation Facility Bridge Set-Aside
$570 million for the construction of ferry boats and ferry terminals
$25 million for bollard installation (big posts to stop terrorists in cars)
$1.1 billion for the Appalachian Regional Energy Hub Initiative
Will study the effectiveness of a giant ethane storage and distribution system, and "will help establish a regional energy hub in the Appalachian region for natural gas and natural gas liquids, including hydrogen"
Joe Manchin's wife is the co-chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission.
$100 million for the Denali Commission
An Alaskan development fund. Senator Murkowski will be pleased.
Transfer and Sale of Toll Credits Pilot program
States accumulate credits from toll collections, and use them to get federal money for projects. Sort of like carbon credits. So get ready for more toll roads.
Study on the impact of self driving cars on roads
Review of disaster response training
Evaluations will ensure adequate bicycle use and maintenance knowledge
Study on non-highway recreational fuel use
Tax revenue will be assessed to determine funding levels for the Recreational Trails Program
$75 million for studying how to enact income-based road usage taxes
Also studies using third parties (big tech) to collect road use data and fees.
Also a public awareness campign to warm us up to it.
$50 million for a per-mile road usage fee pilot program
Volunteer drivers will test a per-mile road usage fee nationwide.
Tracking methods will include third-party on-board diagnostic (OBD-II) devices, smart phone applications, telemetric data collected by automakers, motor vehicle data obtained by car insurance companies.
The advisory board for the program must include "advocacy groups focused on equity".
High Friction Surface Treatment Application study
The study will assess using bauxite on roads (has been done forever), and also incorporate renewables into pavement design.
$100 million for digital construction management systems
A new "Center of Excellence on New Mobility and Automated Vehicles"
New mobility means Byrd scooters.
Transportation Resilience and Adaptation Centers of Excellence
These centers will "support climate vulnerability assessments informed by climate change science"
$270 million for the Bureau of Indian Affairs Road Maintenance Program
Such sums as may be necessary for the Office of Multimodal Freight Infrastructure and Policy
Mayor Pete is to establish a new office, and eliminate any other departments that do any duplicative work. The office will carry out the national multimodal freight policy, and conduct research into multimodal freight mobility.
$10 million to incentivize interstate freight compacts
$10 billion for "Multimodal Infrastructure Project Grants"
Some of the criteria for project selection include whether a project would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, "would benefit a historically disadvantaged community or population" or would benefit pedestrians and bicyclists
$4 billion for the National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Program
$18.75 million for the National multimodal cooperative freight research program
Mayor Pete will establish this program. It will have an advisory committee composed of federal, state, and local authorities, unions, universities, non-profits, and provate sector entities.
The committee will establish a "national research agenda" and issue grants to achieve objectives such as "diversifying the freight workforce", automation, and promoting zero-emission transportation.