The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, Part 2
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$19.2 billion in grants for Amtrak
$6.57 billion for the Northeast Corridor
$12.7 billion for the National Network
$1.54 billion for the Federal Railroad Administration
$1.315 billion for Safety and Operations
$225 million for Railroad Research and Development, including a Rail Research and Development and a $3 million Transportation Technology Center
$5 billion for Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement grants
$2.5 billion for the "Railroad Crossing Elimination Program"
Goals are to "eliminate highway-rail grade crossings that are frequently blocked by trains, to improve the health and safety of communities, to reduce the impacts that freight movement and railroad operations may have on underserved communities, and to improve the mobility of people and goods".
Grant applicants will be evaluated "to the degree to which the proposed project will use construction materials that reduce greenhouse gas emissions" and whether the proposed project will "improve the use of nonvehicular modes of transportation, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation".
Also $6.25 million for teaching people how to not get hit by trains
$750 million for passenger rail "restoration and enhancement" grants
$1.5 billion for Intercity Passenger Rail grants
$137.5 million for the Amtrak Inspector General
Upgraded Amtrak food and beverage service
Smoking ban on Amtrak trains
Enhancements of Amtrak cross-border service to Canada
$15 million for a study to encourage long-distance Amtrak commuting
Study will include working to establish "activities and programs" along Amtrak routes to encourage use
$4.4 billion for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
$1.875 billion for administrative expenses
$2.0325 billion for carrying out the motor carrier safety assistance program
$300 million for the high priority program
$6.5 million to carry out the commercial motor vehicle operators grant program
$217.5 million to carry out the financial assistance program for commercial driver’s license implementation
Promoting Women in the trucking workforce
Complete with a "Women trucker advisory board"
Mandatory automatic braking systems on commercial vehicles
New crashworthiness standards for limousines
$5 billion for the Highway Traffic Safety administration
$1.892 billion for Highway safety programs
$970 million for Highway safety research and development
$201.6 million for the "High-visibility enforcement program"
$1.7645 billion for National Priority Safety Programs
$206 million for administrative expenses
$36 million for the National Driver Register
$1.04 billion for Vehicle Safety
For recall studies, backseat law standardization, new car assessment studies, hood and bumper standards, and crash avoidance technology.
Mandatory breathalyzer technology on all new cars
Fat crash test dummies
$50 million for the Bureau of Transportation Statistics
$500 million for "Strengthening mobility and revolutionizing transportation" grants
Grants will be for public transportation systems to reduce congestion, improve safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, improve energy efficiency, etc.
An electric vehicle working group
"...to make recommendations regarding the development, adoption, and integration of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty electric vehicles into the transportation and energy systems of the United States"
$95 million for the University Transportation Centers program
$250 million for the Advanced Transportation Research Initiative
Study can be on whatever the Secretary of Transportation deems important
$25 million for the Transportation Workforce Outreach Program
Program will "target awareness of professional opportunities in the transportation sector to diverse segments of the population, including with respect to race, sex, ethnicity, ability, veteran status, and socioeconomic status"
Support for studies on driving under the influence of Marijuana
A national clearinghouse for distributing marijuana for these studies will be established.
$345 million for the Hazardous Materials Program
$70.2 billion for Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund
$966 million for Planning Programs
$69 million for Metropolitan Transport Planning
$33.5 billion for financial assistance for urbanized areas
$1.94 billion for services for enhanced mobility of seniors and the disabled
$24.1 million for a pilot program for "innovative access and mobility"
$4.6 billion for rural mass transit planning, projects, and operating costs
$193 million for mass transit research, development, demonstration, and deployment projects
$62 million for technical assistance and standards development ($34 million reserved for the national transit institute)
$26.1 million for bus testing
$696 million for administrative provisions (lawsuits, foreclosures, buying/selling property, fee collection for conferences)
$22 million for the National Transit Database
$18.3 billion for "State of Good Repair" grants
$2.3 billion for the buses and bus facilities program and no or low emissions grants
$3.9 billion for urban and rural public transportation operating costs
$15 billion for fixed guideway capital investment grants
$750 million for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
$25 billion for Preventing Outages and enhancing resilience of the electric grid
$25 billion for electric grid reliability research, development, deployment, and demonstration
$5 billion for Energy improvement in rural areas
Grants may be issued for the purpose of "reducing greenhouse gas emissions"
"Demand response practices" (Energy rationing)
"Each electric utility shall promote the use of demand-response and demand flexibility practices by commercial, residential, and industrial consumers to reduce electricity consumption during periods of unusually high demand"
$3 billion for Deployment of Technologies to Enhance Grid Flexibility
Including network-controlled devices to control energy usage
$2.5 billion for State Energy Programs
Including programs to "help reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector by 2050 and accelerate the use of alternative transportation fuels for, and the electrification of, State government vehicles, fleet vehicles, taxis and ridesharing services, mass transit, school buses, ferries, and privately owned passenger and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles"
A study on using dead electric vehicle batteries to power nursing homes and public housing
Roughly $500 million to increase bilateral transfers of renewable electricity generation between Canada and the western US
Amount is dependent on the value of the Canadian Entitlement for the past 5 years