The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, Part 3
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Rural and municipal utility advanced cybersecurity grants: $250,000,000
Energy sector cybersecurity research and development: $250,000,000
Energy Sector Operational Support for Cyber-resilience Program: $50,000,000
Modeling and Assessing Energy Infrastructure Risk: $50,000,000
Earth Mapping Resources Initiative: $320,000,000
The US Geological Survey will carry out advanced mapping of minerals critical to "clean energy technologies"
US Geological Survey Energy and Minerals Research Facility: $167,000,000
Rare Earth Elements Demonstration Facility: $140,000,000
Battery Material Processing grants: $3,000,000,000
Battery Manufacturing and Recycling grants: $3,000,000,000
Lithium Ion Battery Recycling Prize Competition: $10,000,000
Battery and critical mineral recycling: $60,000,000
State and local battery recycling programs: $50,000,000
Grants for retailers to serve as battery collection points: $15,000,000
Electric Drive Vehicle Battery Recycling and Second-Life applications program: $200,000,000
Advanced energy manufacturing and recycling projects grants: $750,000,000
Projects must "provide higher net impact in avoiding or reducing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases".
Priority will be given to entities that are minority-owned.
Critical Minerals Mining and Recycling Research: $400,000,000
The 21st Century Workforce Advisory Board
The board will focus on "bringing underrepresented groups" into the energy industry workforce, and "make resources available to increase the number of skilled minorities and women trained to go into the energy and energy-related manufacturing sectors".
Carbon Utilization Program: $310,140,781
Grants shall be used to procure or use products that that are derived from anthropogenic carbon dioxide or reduce greenhouse gases.
Carbon Capture Technology Program: $100,000,000
Grants shall be used to procure or use products that that are derived from anthropogenic carbon dioxide or reduce greenhouse gases.
Carbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation: $2,100,000,000
Funding for carbon dioxide pipelines and infrastructure, a program particularly beneficial to North Dakota (Kevin Cramer was one of the Republicans who voted for this bill).
Large Scale Carbon Storage Commercialization Program: $2,500,000,000
Secure Geologic Storage Permitting: $50,000,000
4 Regional Carbon Capture Hubs: $3,500,000,000
4 Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs: $8,000,000,000
Clean Hydrogen Manufacturing and Recycling Program: $500,000,000
Clean Hydrogen Electrolysis Program: $1,000,000,000
Civil Nuclear Credits Program: $6,000,000,000
A grant program for nuclear reactors on the verge of shutting down
Hydroelectric Production Incentives: $125,000,000
Hydroelectric Efficiency Improvement Incentives: $75,000,000
Hydroelectric maintenance grants: $553,600,000
Pumped Storage Hydropower Wind and Solar Integration and System Reliability Initiative: $2,000,000
Mandatory state promotion of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure
Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund: $250,000,000
Energy Auditor Training Grant Program: $40,000,000
Energy auditors will conduct energy audits of commercial and residential buildings to assess their energy usage
Energy Efficiency Building Code Implementation: $225,000,000
Energy Efficiency Training Centers (universities/colleges): $10,000,000
Renewables/Energy Efficiency Training Centers (non-profits): $10,000,000
"Smart Manufacturing Technologies" grants: $50,000,000
Grants for Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Improvements in Public Schools: $500,000,000
Includes purchase/lease of alternative fuel vehicles
Energy Efficient Materials Pilot Program: $50,000,000
Non-profit buildings will be awarded grants for energy efficient materials