The Deloitte Consulting $106.2 million CARES Act Payday
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The CARES Act authorized the Coronavirus Relief Fund, a $150 billion fund for state and local governments. The fund was intended for assistance in pandemic response and business assistance, and many of these governments chose to spend it on consulting services from Deloitte Consulting. In all, the firm was paid $106.2 million from the relief program.
Deloitte Consulting is the largest global consulting firm on Earth, generating over $50 billion in revenue during fiscal year 2021. In 2018, Deloitte paid the United States a $149.5 million settlement to resolve a potential False Claims Act liability arising from the firm's role as the auditor of failed federally-insured mortgage lender Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp.
State of Connecticut: $14.1 million
Connecticut CRF payouts to Deloitte included:
- $6,681,852 for DMV modernization/digital enhancement
- $4,747,865 for IT consulting
- $1,736,606 for additional DMV modernization
- $916,086 to improve telework capablities of public employees
State of Virginia: $12.3 million
Virginia CRF payouts to Deloitte included:
- $6,415,501 for "consulting services to assist with pandemic management"
- $3,473,500 for "consultant" on coordination of full scale public safety response to COVID-19
- $1,518,247 for "consulting services to assist with pandemic management"
- $867,500 for "support of VADOC's COVID-19 response management activities"
- $63,486 for "consulting services to assist with pandemic management"
State of Nevada: $11.4 million
Nevada's CRF payment to Deloitte was for a "contract for statewide contact tracing and tracking solution to assist with the COVID-19 response efforts for the Division of Public and Behavioral Health"
State of Nebraska: $9.2 million
Nebraska CRF payments to Deloitte were for "Covid Relief fund program design, support and public awareness"
Puerto Rico: $9.1 million
Puerto Rico CRF payments to Deloitte were for "Financial Management and Audit and Reporting Services"
State of Kentucky: $9 million
Kentucky CRF payments to Deloitte were for "Contact tracing"
State of New York: $8.6 million
New York CRF payments to Deloitte were for "Google Big Query Health Analytics-Impact of COVID on Medicaid Forecast"
State of New Hampshire: $8.2 million
New Hampshire CRF payments to Deloitte for "COVID Department Support and "Vaccine Administration Data Management"
State of Michigan: $5.5 million
Michigan CRF payments to Deloitte included:
- $4,621,945 for "Information technology system upgrade to support COVID-19 related policy changes"
- $814,057 for "Costs for a dynamic SMS platform that allows flexible 2-way texting for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and our partners, including Local Health Departments, to text residents with important information related to COVID-19"
- $101,934 to "Develop contact tracing software to support MDHHS and local health department COVID_19 containment efforts"
St. Louis County, Missouri: $4.3 million
St. Louis County, Missouri CRF payments to Deloitte were for "consulting services for recovery of covid expenses"
State of California: $2.2 million
California CRF payments to Deloitte were for "COVID-19 Pega Application Development"
State of New Jersey: $2.1 million
New Jersey CRF payments to Deloitte were for unspecified purposes
State of Ohio: $1.9 million
Ohio CRF payments were for Deloitte for "COVID analytics"
State of Wisconsin: $1.7 million
Ohio CRF payments for Deloitte were for "DCPP Functional"
State of Rhode Island: $1.3 million
Rhode Island CRF payments to Deloitte were for "updates related to COVID-19 to ensure beneficiaries are eligible for Medicaid, SNAP, RI Works and/or other health insurance carried out on behalf of the State of Rhode Island to implement RI Bridges COVID-19 Updates"
Douglas County, Nebraska: $1.2 million
Douglas County, Nebraska CRF payments to Deloitte were for "consulting services"
State of Delaware: $1.1 million
Delaware CRF payments to Deloitte were for unspecified purposes
State of Missouri: $597,960
Missouri CRF payments to Deloitte were for "Rapid Current State Assessment"
State of Tennessee: $365,688
Tennesee CRF payments to Deloitte were for "Virtual and Digital learning for TDEC"
City of Boston, Massachussets: $319,194
Boston CRF payments to Deloitte were for "Covid Compliance Human Resources Model"
State of Illinois: $280,000
Illinois CRF payments to Deloitte were for "IT equipment or services related to COVID-19"
City of Atlanta, Georgia: $270,000
Atlanta CRF payments to Deloitte were to "provide support and enable Oracle Cloud Support for the Department of Finance (DOF)"
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: $201,905
Allegheny County CRF payments to Deloitte were for "Development of Rental Assistance program interface and maintenance of interface"
State of Oregon: $133,920
Oregon CRF payments to Deloitte were to "Improve telework capabilities of public employees"
City of Houston, Texas: $68,306
Houston CRF payments to Deloitte were for "Risk assessment of COVID 19 operations"
All CRF data is publicly available at Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) | Pandemic Oversight.