The Fiscal Responsibility Act
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The debt limit bill keeps spending at high post-covid levels, while making slight discretionary spending cuts and rescinding funding for many programs authorized by COVID relief bills and the American Rescue Plan Act. Many of the provisions from the Limit, Save, Grow Act were abandoned or watered down. The $80 billion dollar Inflation Reduction Act IRS expansion is left almost entirely intact, with the bill only rescinding just over one billion of the spending. Student loan repayment pauses are prohibited. The Mountain Valley Pipeline project is expedited for approval.The War Toxic Exposure Fund is funded with almost $45 billion.
Discretionary Spending Limits through 2029
Limits for Fiscal Year 2024:
- $886,349,000,000 for revised security category (defense-related)
- $703,651,000,000 for revised non-security category
- $1,578,000,000 for continuing disability reviews
- $604,000,000 for health care fraud and abuse control (HHS)
- $265,000,000 for reemployment services and eligibility assessments
- $11,000,000,000 for Department of Commerce government efficiencies programs
Limits for Fiscal Year 2025:
- $895,212,000,000 for revised security category
- $710,688,000,000 for revised non-security category
- $1,630,000,000 for continuing disability reviews
- $630,000,000 for health care fraud and abuse control
- $271,000,000 for reemployment services and eligibility assessments
- $11,000,000,000 for Department of Commerce government efficiencies programs
Limit for Fiscal Year 2026: $1,621,959,000,000
Limit for Fiscal Year 2027: $1,638,179,000,000
Limit for Fiscal Year 2028: $1,654,560,000,000
Limit for Fiscal Year 2029: $1,671,106,000,000
Disaster funding formula unchanged (not to exceed the average over the previous 10 years (excluding the highest and lowest years) of the sum of the funding provided for disaster relief, or five percent of the total appropriations provided in the previous 10 years, net of any rescissions of budget authority enacted in the same period.
$44.7 billion for the War Toxic Exposure Fund (funded through 2029)
Special adjustments for discretionary spending limits in 2024/2025
If there is a law providing partial funding for fiscal year 2024, the discretionary spending limits for that year will be adjusted by reducing the budget authority for the revised security and non-security categories. The legislation sets deadlines for issuing the final sequestration report and related orders. If full year discretionary appropriation Acts are enacted, the adjustments will be nullified, and the spending limits will revert to their previous levels.
Exemption of certain "emergency" authorizations from spending limit compliance consideration
Limitation on advance appropriations in the House of Representatives
Establishment of bill's spending levels as a concurrent resolution in the Senate for 2024 and 2025
Limitations on advance appropriations in the Senate
Exceptions are made for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical services, Department of Health and Human Services for the Indian Health Services, and other programs and projects requested by the Senate
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund
$3.1 billion originally authorized by the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2020. All unobligated balances with the exception of $59 million rescinded.
$1 billion originally authorized by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act of 2020. All unobligated balances rescinded.
$27 billion originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds with the exception of $2.1 billion rescinded.
$100 billion originally authorized by the Paycheck Protection Program and and Health Care Enhancement Act. All unobligated funds with the exception of $543 million rescinded.
$23 billion originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds with the exception of $205 million rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from CDC-Wide Activities and Program Support
$2.2 billion originally authorized by the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2020. All unobligated funds with the exception of $195 million rescinded.
$4.3 billion originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds with the exception of $446 million rescinded.
$8.75 billion originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds with the exception of $177 million rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
$836 million originally authorized by the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2020. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Centers from Medicare and Medicaid Services Program Management
$200 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Centers for CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Activities
$7.5 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. All unobligated funds with the exception of $103 million rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from "Vaccine Confidence Activities"
$1 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from funding for supply chains for COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and medical supplies
$500 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds with the exception of $69 million rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, and mitigation activities
$47.8 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds with the exception of $7.3 billion rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from SARS_COV-2 genomic sequencing and surveillance
$1.75 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds with the exception of $714 million rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from global health activities
$750 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from public health workforce funding
$7.7 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Medical Reserve Corps funding
$100 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from community health centers and community care (COVID-related)
$7.6 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the National Health Service Corps
$800 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Nurse Corps
$200 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from teaching health centers that operate graduate medical education
$330 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from "family planning" grants
$50 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from mental health and substance use disorder training for health care and public safety professionals
$80 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from education and awareness campaigns for healthy work conditions and use of mental health/substance abuse services
$20 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from grants for health care providers to promote mental health among their workforce
$40 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from behavioral health workforce education and training
$100 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from pediatric mental health care access
$80 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from funding for modernizing Obamacare exchanges
$20 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from COVID-19 emergency medical supplies enhancement
$10 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds with the exception of $793,000,000 rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from emergency assistance to families through home visiting programs
$150 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds for providers relating to COVID-19
$8.5 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds for mobile crisis intervention services
$15 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds for contracting quality improvement organizations for nursing facilities
$200 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds for USDA COVID-19 impact grants for agricultural producers, schools, restaurants, farmers markets, and livestock/dairy producers
$9.5 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds for agricultural grants to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19
$11.2 billion originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded, with the exception of grants to cotton merchandisers per the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023.
Rescission of unobligated funds for COVID-19 grants for local agriculture markets
$100 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds for the COVID-19 farming opportunities training and outreach program
$75 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds for the COVID-19 Dairy Donation Program
$400 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds for improvements to meat and poultry facilities grants
$60 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds for food supply chain and agriculture pandemic response grants
$4 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds for the Coronavirus Economic Stabilization Act of 2020
The program included assistance to state and local governments and relief for banks and credit institutions. $500 billion originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds with the exception of $200 million rescinded.
Rescission of $295 million from the Air Carrier Worker Support program
$32 billion originally authorized by the CARES Act.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Air Transportation Payroll Support Program Extension
$15 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Capital Investments for Neighborhoods Disproportionately Impacted by COVID-19 program
$9 billion originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds with the exception of $284,500,000 rescinded.
Rescission of $150 million from the State Small Business Credit Initiative
$10 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Airline Worker Support Extension (2021)
$16 billion originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Corporation for National and Community Service and the National Service Trust
$852 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded, with the exception of $73 million for administrative costs and $9 million for the Inspector General.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund
$123 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools program
$2.8 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund
$39.6 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Federal Highway Administration Highway Infrastructure Programs coronavirus response funds
$10 billion originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the payroll support program
$3 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from SBA Targeted EIDL Advances and disaster loans
$15.5 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the SBA disaster loans program account
$50 billion originally authorized by the Paycheck Protection and Health Care Enhancement Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of $1 billion from the Fraud Prevention, Equitable Access, and Timely Payment to Eligible Workers program
$2 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of $1 billion from the HUD Public and Indian Housing Tenant-based rental assistance program
$1.2 billion originally authorized by the CARES Act .
Rescission of unobligated funds from the HUD Public and Indian Housing Native American Programs
$300 million originally authorized by the CARES Act . All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the HUD Housing for Persons with Disabilities program
$15 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the HUD Project-based rental assistance program
$1 billion originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the HUD Housing for the elderly program
$50 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the HUD Fair Housing Initiatives Program
$20 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary salaries and expenses
$1.8 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary Essential Air Service program
$56 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Department of Transportation Grants-In-Aid for Airports
$10 billion originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from National Railroad Passenger Corporation grants
$1.7 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from American Rescue Plan Act relief for airports
$8 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program
$25 billion originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Recovery Rebates to Individuals program
$1.5 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
$650 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from DOJ Justice Information Sharing Technology Funds
$2 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Defense Production Act Purchases funds
$1 billion originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Department of State Educational and Cultural Exchange programs
$324 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Department of State Migration and Refugee Assistance programs
$350 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from International Disaster Assistance funds appropriated to the President
$258 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Sudan Claims Resolution Act
$150 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from economic support funds for Sudan appropriated to the President
$700 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Federal Communications Commission salaries and expenses
$200 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from SBA Emergency EIDL grants
$10 billion originally authorized by the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Centers Program
$25 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the SBA Entrepreneurial Development Program technical assistance grants program
$50 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Connecting Minority Communities program (Broadband project)
$285 million originally appropriated by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Grants for Broadband Connectivity program
$1.3 billion originally appropriated by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from COVID-19 support for restaurants grants
$28.6 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from administrative expenses for Child Care and Development Block grants
$15 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Further rescission of unobligated funds from administrative expenses for Child Care and Development Block grants
$35 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from grants to support survivors of sexual assault
$198 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from community-based grants for the prevention of child abuse and neglect
$250 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from grants to states and Indian tribes for water bill assistance
$500 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from pandemic emergency assistance for children and families
$1 billion originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the COVID-19 funding for the preservation and maintenance of Native American languages
$20 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband program
$25 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the COVID-19 specialty crop block grants program
$100 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the emergency rural development grants for rural health care program
$500 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Department of Agriculture section 502 and 504 loan relief program
$39 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Department of Energy purchase, construction, and acquisition of plant and capital equipment funds
$7 billion originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the US Fish and Wildlife Service inspection, interdiction, and research related to COVID-19 funds
$105 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Housing improvement, government services, oversight, and water services
$900 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Department of Education Organization Act activities
$430 million originally authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. Uses include rental of rooms in Washington DC and the hire of three passenger motor vehicles. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Department of Education student aid administration funds
$91.1 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from funding of Department of Education research into learning loss caused by coronavirus
$100 million million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from funding of Department of Education coronavirus response and preparation
$15 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Department of Education American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native education programs
$190 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from EPA funding for studying and addressing disparate impacts of pollution and COVID-19
$100 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds with the exception of $22 million rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Department of Labor COVID-19 worker protection activities
$200 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds with the exception of $1.9 million rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from state short-time compensation grant programs
$100 million originally authorized by the CARES Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the GSA Federal Citizen Services Fund coronavirus response funding
Rescission of unobligated funds from the National Endowment for the Arts
$135 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities
$135 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services
$200 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from temporary extended unemployment benefits provided under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act
All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of unobligated funds from the Railroad Retirement Board coronavirus response funding
$28 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded, with the exception of $500,000 for the Inspector General.
Rescission of unobligated funds from Federal Trade Commission funding for COVID-19 related work
$30.4 million originally authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. All unobligated funds rescinded.
Rescission of $1.4 billion in Internal Revenue Funding authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act
The Administrative Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2023
Before an agency can enact certain discretionary administrative actions, the head of the agency must submit written notice of the estimated cost to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. If the action increases direct spending, the written notice must include proposals for other measures to reduce direct spending by the amount of the increase or more.
Before an agency can enact non-discretionary administrative measures required by law, the agency must submit a written notice with an explanation of why the action is required by law and a projection of the measure's cost, then consult with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget on the least costly implementation of the measure.
Within 90 days of the enactment of this Act, the Director of the OMB must issue instructions regarding the implementation of these requirements.
The Director of the OMB retains the authority to waive the requirements if the measure is deemed necessary for the delivery of essential services or effective program delivery. These requirements will not apply to administrative actions costing less than $1 billion over a ten-year period or less than $100 million in any given year during a ten-year period.
No determination, finding, action, or omission under this title shall be subject to judicial review. The title expires on December 31, 2024.
Termination of suspension of federal student loan payments and resumption of interest and collections
The years-long suspension of student loan payments is terminated 60 days after June 30, 2023. Unless expressly authorized by Congress, the Secretary of Education is prohibited from extending or enacting waivers or modifications to student loan payments.
Welfare Reform:
Recalibration of the caseload reduction credit for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families welfare funds
The caseload reduction credit is a measure states can use to manipulate the work participation rate among recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families funds. The reference year was previously 2005. This bill changes the reference year to 2015. States measure their caseload decline from the reference year, and receive a credit toward their work participation rate if their caseload has fallen since the reference year.
Pilot Projects for measuring work outcomes for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families welfare recipients
Up to five states may apply and be selected for a grant program to negotiate benchmarks for work and family outcomes for TANF recipients. If the state fails to meet agreed-upon benchmarks, the state and Secretary will develop a plan to achieve them or adjust the benchmarks. The pilot programs will last 6 fiscal years. Participating states must develop a system that penalizes recipients required to meet work requirements who refuse to do so.
Elimination of the TANF "Small Checks Scheme"
In order to meet their Work Participation Rate (WPR), some states send Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients who are already working an insignificant $20 TANF check so the state can officially count them as part of the TANF caseload and towards their WPR. However, this provision only requires states to disregard workers who recieve less than $35 a month in a assistance, a small increase in check size.
Reporting of TANF recipient work outcomes
This provision would require HHS to collect data from states on outcome metrics for TANF recipients aligned with employment metrics in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to provide Congress with data to evaluate TANF’s ability to move individuals off the sidelines into sustainable employment and self-sufficiency.
Modification of work requirement exemptions for SNAP (food stamp) recipients
Age exemptions from SNAP recipient work requirements shall apply to individuals:
- under 18 or over 51 years of age in 2023
- under 18 or over 53 years of age in 2024
- under 18 or over 55 years of age in 2025
Work requirement exemptions will also apply to individuals who are homeless, a veteran, or an individual who is age 24 or younger and was in state foster care at age 18 (or such higher age as the state has elected).
These amendments will sunset on October 1, 2030.
General exemptions allowed by states are modified by reducing the average monthly allowable percentage of exempted individuals from 12 percent of covered individuals in the state to 8 percent of covered individuals in the state.
The Secretary of Agriculture shall make all state waiver requests public.
Permitting Reform:
The BUILDER Act (Permitting Reform)
The law reforms NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act of 1969) environmental reviews by narrowing the environmental impact considerations to "reasonably foreseeable" effects. Agencies must make use of reliable existing data, and their duties are clarified. The law establishes thresholds determinations for preparing environmental documents under NEPA, and sets project review timelines. Many of the bill's original provisions have been removed, such as restricting the standing of uninvolved litigants against projects.
Interregional transfer capability determination study
The Electric Reliability Organization shall conduct a study in consultation with each regional entity and transmitting facility on the total transfer capability between planning regions and publish a report
FAST Act permitting regulations made applicable to energy storage projects
Expedited approval for completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline project
Temporary suspension of the public debt limit
Debt limit is suspended until January 1, 2025
Extensions of the debt limit will apply to any obligations passed into law by Congress before January 2, 2025.
The Treasury Secretary is prohibited from creating a cash reserve during this period of time.
Major items scrapped from the Limit, Save, Grow Act:
- Repeal of green tax credits
- Legal limits on Executive Branch regulatory authority
- Rescission of over $10 billion in climate change-related spending
- Rescission of the entire $80 billion IRS expansion
- The Lower Energy Costs Act (repeal of taxes on oil and gas, permitting reform)
- The TAPP American Resources Act (resumption of oil and gas lease sales, reversal of Biden's royalty and fee increases)
- Mining permitting reform
- GOMESA revenue reform
- FWPC discharge permitting reform